Bear season has come to a close. We have a black bear that visits our cabin in September, very regularly, looking for food. He’s stocking up for a long winter. I often wonder where he’s hibernating. Is it a spacious cave? Is he with his family in there? Or is he a loner? Hibernation is so fascinating to me.
I’ve been in my cave now for more than a few years. If I’m honest, I’ve grown comfortable in my cave. My family is around me. It’s warm. Familiar. Mine has been more of an active hibernation. To be fair, I’ve been moving around in here. Inviting God to be working in me, to be bringing change in some stuck places. He has been faithful to me during this season. And now He is calling me out.
I just finished reading through the book of Acts, which is a beautiful picture of the disciples living out the calling that Jesus gave them. “Follow me…” Jesus said to Peter (John 21:19). “Therefore go…” He said to them all (Matt. 28:19). Jesus’ final words in the Gospel chapters are active words. He is calling them out.
As the book of Acts opens, the disciples are actively waiting. Gathering together, praying, watching. Jesus tells them “…you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…” (Acts 1:8). Without this power, I wonder if they would have made the upper room their hideout indefinitely. Thankfully, “all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit…” (Acts 2:4) and the adventure begins. They left the upper room. Called out.
As followers of Jesus, we have this gift of the Holy Spirit living in us. This is truly amazing news! And yet, it is also true that we are quick to listen to other voices. Voices that whisper things like “you’re not qualified for this”, or “if people knew about your past”, or even “no need to risk anything here.” Friends, these voices are not of the Holy Spirit. But it’s our nature to listen to them.
In John 16:13, Jesus tells his followers when the Holy Spirit arrives “He will guide you into all the truth”. That word “guide” literally means to “show the way”. He’s offering to lead us. But where? He is leading us out of where we are now. Out of our comfortable caves. Into something more life-giving. Into deeper relationship with Jesus. If that feels risky to you, it’s ok. It feels a bit risky to me too. But He is good. He is offering to go with us. Will you join me?
Question: What area of your life are you hearing the Holy Spirit nudging you to move?
Action Step: Ask God to search your heart as you walk around this week, and to reveal to you one area of your life that He is calling you out of where you’ve been, and into more life.