Our emotions are amazing gifts that have the ability to tell us what’s going on in and around us before our minds fully understand situations.
Next time you feel your emotions getting the better of you, ask yourself, “are my insecurities and anxieties leading my emotions, or is Jesus anchoring them?”
Slowing down to understand what our emotions are telling us is a super valuable skill that we learn from allowing God to walk with us through our days, and by being in His word (the Bible). The slowing down to understand our emotions and anxieties, and to listen to them and how God may be coming to you through them is key.
At the moment, you may not know how to tell if something has you worked up and you’re dangerously close to being at the mercy of your emotions.
Something that is helpful for me to know if my insecurities and anxieties are leading me, or if it is Jesus, is by how urgent it all feels. If I am feeling all geared up and unable or unwilling to slow down, it is a safe bet that I am not being led by something steady (Jesus) but by something else that is not very steady (my anxieties).
If the answer is that your anxieties are leading to your emotions, then you know you’re headed for a tailspin. Be encouraged, there is a way out.
Pause and ask God, “what do you say I am?” Then listen for His answer.
Sometimes we are tempted to think that what we are in the same as how we feel about ourselves. If you are anything like me then, let’s face it together, those aren’t always kind thoughts and we need something to grab on to in those moments.
If you’re struggling to remember the truth there is one thing, if you are a child of God, that is always true about what you are and that is loved.
Knowing that what you are is loved and not shamed and condemned makes all the difference and can help you recenter yourself with the truth.
If you are not at a regulated place that you can hear Him or haven’t developed the skill of listening prayer, set a timer on your phone for 2 minutes. During that time of silence, repeatedly remind yourself that, “because He loves me I, can rest my mind and heart, I can take a mental break”.
Whatever the situation is that has you all worked up, He cares about it. Even if the situation you are worked up about is of your own creation and your own fault. His caring about your situation means, you are not alone in it and that He will help you to know how to walk it out and teach you what you need to learn from it. Let His wisdom guard your steps.
And I strongly urge you to find a bible believing, Jesus submitting, mentor to help you on this journey of learning to allow Jesus to anchor your emotions.
Also, you need to be reading the Bible daily. If you’re not reading the Bible at all, then try for weekly.
If you do not know what His word says then How will you ever truly know Him? The Bible is His love letter to you. It tells you who He is and who you are to yourself, to the world, and to Him.
Please download the You Version bible app and make a login. A great place to start reading the Bible is through the daily bible verse in the You version bible app.
The app also has topical bible reading plans that you can do alone or with others, and they are great!
If you type “identity” in the search bar inside the “plans” feature there are a ton of plans that come up. You can be confident that looking to God for your identity, brother or sister is a wonderful place to start the anchoring of your emotions!
We would love feedback from you on the following things…
If you have practice in allowing Jesus to anchor you, I would love to know how you allow Him to do that?
For instance, is there a verse you say or a phrase or activity that helps you? Do you have a friend you can call? Do you journal? Please send in your personal tips and insights! If we get enough of these I may make a printable for people to keep with them always!
If you don’t know how or what it looks like for Jesus to anchor you, I’d love to hear your thoughts or questions and find the answers.
If you are looking for someone to do a You version bible app plan with, I would love to hook you up with someone!
If you are willing to be a bible app plan buddy please let me know.
If this post or ministry has impacted your life please let us know. The encouragement is a gift to me as I press forward in service to our Savior and you.
Please send me your prayer requests. I love praying over you all! Also, we have a woman on our team who is ready and waiting and committed to lifting you up in prayer for the months that you send in your request!