This Year Is A Big Deal (2025)

I have gone thought and put things in bold that were direct quotes of what I heard the Lord say This January, as I was praying to the Lord about my word for the year for myself and for the world, I sensed that this message was weighty and significant, yet I had no...

DJWJ Letter 1-27-25

My Dear Daughters, I am so glad that you are here with me. I am laughing with delight over you. Everything you have brought to me tonight that is big for you is small for me. I am so glad that you invited me into these things and places with you. Together is my...

The Ark of His Presence

It is time to enter into the ark of Jesus’ presence. Just as Noah’s Ark had an entrance on its side for people to enter in to escape the storm, I am trying to tell My people that the entrance to the shelter of My presence is through My side. It is through the mercy...