Prayer For Healing (extended)

A Prayer For Healing  You will notice that the prayer reads “we” for even when you’re praying alone. This is because I, the author, am in agreement with your prayer so long as you stay in line with Gods word in this prayer or we’ve the word of God, as only the Holy...
Be The Light

Be The Light

My  Dear Children, I love you, and I am so glad that we are forever and always connected through the Holy Spirit. I longed for this day while I waited to send my son to redeem you from the curse of the law. The law was so heavy. It was so much for you to bear...


Daughters, don’t look away. Don’t let discouragement overtake you. Let faith rise, my daughters. Your victory is here, and you are being set free. This is why Jesus came – for your liberation, your freedom, your recovery of sight, your release from oppression...
DJWJ Session 1-8-24

DJWJ Session 1-8-24

My children, I have loved you with an everlasting love. Yes, everlasting. I loved you from the beginning, and I will love you to the end. There’s no limit to my thoughts about you. There is no limit to my love. You were the one that I went after, and I long to be...

DJWJ Closing Prayer

Closing DJWJ Prayer  Father, I praise you for your goodness and faithfulness. Thank you for choosing me and my family before the world was made and that you have me here for such a time as this to stand in the gap (Ephesians 1:4). I declare my full agreement with you,...