Grace Sessions



A Jesus Encounter session is a 2-hour meeting via Zoom, designed to create space for you to see His face and receive inner healing for your soul. These sessions are ideal for anyone at any stage of faith and will be impactful and encouraging for your journey. The sessions begin promptly, with minimal discussion between me and the recipient.

This is an individual Discipleship Journaling with Jesus sesssion where you will learn to commune with Jessu and hear His heart in deeply impactful ways. You will experience inner healing, deliverance, and discipleship. 

This Prophetic Encouragement session is a time for us to meet briefly and seek the Father’s heart for you. You will receive prophetic encouragement to process with the Lord at your own pace. It’s important for the body of Christ to remember that it is  with the prophetic words we receive that we wage a good warfare.

This DJWJ session is for you and your small group via Zoom. Together, we will explore what God is doing in your community, with each session tailored to your group’s needs. You’ll experience meaningful fellowship and find breakthrough together.

This Grace to You session is an in-person gathering for you and your community. EOG can come to you, whether nationally or internationally, to serve you. Once you choose a date, EOG will reach out to discuss what your communities needs are, logistics and next steps!

Grace Sessions

Experience the Evidence of Gods Grace in your life!

Ladies, are you ready to embrace the freedom that the Word of God promises as a gift of grace? I’m thrilled you’re here!

While we possess the fullness of Christ’s grace in our spirits, incomplete teaching and life experiences can leave us discouraged and settling for less that Gods ben in our lives. Wounds, unanswered questions, and a limited understanding of the Father’s love can create inner turmoil, making Christ’s victory seem out of reach. In a world filled with brokenness and churches that prioritize religion over the Holy Spirit,  that Christ offers the enemy is having heyday with the people of God and Gods people are perishing for lack of knowledge about how to navigate the restoration of our souls and gaining freedom from demonic oppression. 

Introducing Grace Sessions!

Grace Sessions can benefit absolutely anyone who wants to be well. with the desire to be well as probably the most important ingredient. Jesus longs to make Himself known and tho show you the power of His presence.

It is important for you to know that no two sessions are ever the same; each one is unique and beautiful because Jesus does what each person needs and we follow His leading in the sessions. We provide different session types in order to accommodate you and how you operate best giving you room to explore new ways of communing with Jesus and flowing with the Holy Spirit. We desire not only to have these sessions lead you to breakthrough but to equipping you to hear and see in the Spirit in ways that will enrich your daily relationship with Jesus.

We want you to experience lasting peace and wholeness in your places of brokenness, community in your loneliness, and above all, freedom in Jesus Christ that brings blessings to generations.


Are you ready for a personal testimony of Gods redemptive power in your life? Schedule your Grace Session today. 

Quick note: Know that all prophetic ministry should be taken before the Lord for discernment regarding accuracy (1 Thessalonians 5:20-21). Prophetic individuals (as all christians should be) are not infallible like Old Testament prophets; however, the need for prophetic ministry is still very real, and Prophetic words remain one way we wage good and effective warfare against the enemy (1 Timothy 1:18-19). It is important to remember that the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, that He lives and is with us and knows us intimately and that our every victory is secure in Him (Revelation 19:10).

What they’re saying

“When starting these sessions with Sara, everything just felt good, felt right. I really began to learn, grow and understand more deeply. I feel things and see things so much more clearly now. He has given me so many signs of being there to help me learn and grow. ”
— Heather

“My biggest breakthrough came in finding that it is an absolute necessity to pour into and cultivate my relationship with Him and those closest to me.”
— Amanda

“Since becoming a believer, I have felt like my relationship with God was good. I’m gratefully surrounded by strong women of God who I have leaned into for spiritual guidance. But after doing even just one session of Zion Heart Healing, I found that I hadn’t even scratched the surface on how deep my relationship with God could be!”
— Danielle

“Wow. is all I really have to say that. Every time I step out of an EOG session with Sara, I always find a new way to grow in my relationship with the Lord. Whether it’s learning more about how He’s speaking to me through her guidance or journaling as if he were speaking to me, or songs or verses, the Lord is so beautiful in the way He uses Sara to show up in our time together. I’m so thankful for all of the breakthroughs I’ve had with her and that the Lord has helped her to lead me to. I’m thankful for us connecting and how much she helps me to continue to strengthen my relationship with the Lord and find healing in myself and through Him”
– Courtney

“I have always felt that there was something missing in my life, I just never knew what it was until now. This is the spiritual healing that I have been craving, that I have needed.

I am giving my life to God in a way that I have never before. I no longer want to be in control.

My heart is open and I want to listen to Him.

When Sara placed a timer on the Journaling we were to do, my first thought was, how am I going to do this but it came so easily. I felt like I wasn’t even in control of what I was writing. I truly felt the presence of God through this time with everyone. The tears ran down my face numerous times throughout the evening. I have a long ways to go, but the tremendous sense of peace, love, and trust that I experienced since last Monday tells me I am where He wants me to be. I finally feel that I am heading in the right direction in my life. I am so excited to be on this path and to see what He has in store for me.

I am eternally grateful to Sara, the ladies who shared their stories last Monday, and to the EOG team for the prayers.”
– Monica

“For about 18 months or so I had frozen shoulder, which is a condition where you can’t lift your arm at certain angles without excruciating, shooting pain and range of motion is very limited. Many people have to have surgery to resolve the issue. Off and on since I had it, I would pray for the Lord to heal it. Within the last couple of months I’ve noticed it getting a little better, where I had baby steps of increased range of motion and there was less pain.

The true test for measuring improvement is to raise your arm straight up to the sky and have your arm touch your ear, and I hadn’t been able to do this at all. At best, I could only raise it to the side, but that was even pushing it. Then one day I was talking with Sara on the phone. She was telling me about a woman she was ministering to in Texas who couldn’t walk and was in a wheelchair, but who actually was able to walk as Sara was praying for her and ministering to her. As she was telling me this story, I suddenly felt like I needed to raise my arm up and when I did, I was able to raise it straight and my arm touched my ear!! The Lord healed my shoulder. Praise God! Jesus has always loved people by healing them. He wants to do it again and again.”
– Ally

“I am so grateful for the EOG ministry and the leadership of Sara.

Every encounter is deeply met with the Holy Spirit and continues to break chains of bondage that I am breaking for myself and my family to have FREEDOM.

When Sara speaks, ministers and leads prayer, the Holy Spirit continually shows me that it is NOT Sara speaking, it is the Holy Spirit using her tongue to send the message that I need to hear and bring the deliverance I continue to experience.

What has been more miraculous is watching her growth be increased as she continues to press into where the Lord is leading her so that she continues to gain new tools and wisdom as she has been blessed to shepherd with Love and Boldness.”
– Jamie

“For as long as i can remember i’ve struggled with migraines and headaches. i’ve tried medication, heating pad, cold pack and nothing helps them go away completely. when sara found out about my situation she immediately wanted to help by doing what she does best in my opinion, praying! her words and mentorship is incredible and truly works. one day when i was at her house with her daughter i told sara my head hurt and hoped she would help me by praying for me, so we started praying and just asking the lord to heal me and i was repenting for sins known and unknown. then pretty fast after i started to feel the pain going away! it was really cool to experience that and i’m so thankful for her and the Lord that He was able to help me in such a way! He is so good!!!”
– Willow

“Sara’s passion, gentleness, authority and compassion shined through during a discipleship journaling session she led our church group through. She created an atmosphere where I felt safe to authentically and honestly meet with Jesus. It was like having a face to face back and forth talk with a best friend sitting on a comfy couch with a cup of tea and a cozy blanket. Sara read Scripture, that she had prepared in advance, part way through the session and I was blown away and deeply touched that the dialogue I was having with Jesus lined up with the Scriptures she read. In fact, one Scripture was verbatim. It confirmed that I was truly hearing from Jesus. This was a big confidence booster!”
– Corrine